Bid Index — United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '21
Total: $1,878.33 — Choice Total: $453.33 — Challenge Total: $1,425.00

Name Run Description Amount Goal
Reunite the Kitties! Bowser's Fury There are 3 mother cats in the game, and all are missing their little kittens. With the donators help, I can reunite them all! $150.00 $150.00
Rolled Out! Rolled Out! Choose which of the three characters in the game the runner will use for the duration of the run. $0.00 (None)
Shenmue II Shenmue II The runner will beat Izumi blindfolded. This includes the QTEs. $225.00 $200.00
8-Secret showcase BattleBlock Theater Paulister will showcase a stage that plays itself in BattleBlock Theater. $250.00 $250.00
Save Meryl, during the race! Metal Gear Solid During the torture scene the players can either endure via button mashing to Save Meryl or give in and leave with Otacon. This incentives forces both runners to endure the button mashing during the race and then continue racing! A classic incentive for the game. $300.00 $300.00
Morrowind The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Name the player character used in the run (31 characters max). $453.33 (None)
BONUS RUN: Half-Life [+duck%] by Chazoshtare Closing Chazoshtare will perform a bonus run after the closing ceremony of UKSG if this goal is met! $500.00 $500.00
Rolled Out! United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '21 Choose which of the three characters in the game the runner uses as for the duration of the run. $0.00 (None)

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty & Zephyyrr