Fire Emblem: Three Houses Golden Deer


Name Description Amount Goal
Byleth Name (Max. 8 chars) Fire Emblem: Three Houses Golden Deer (United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20) United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20 Choose the name of the main protagonist (8 characters maximum) $20.00 (None)
Byleth Outfit Choice Fire Emblem: Three Houses Golden Deer (United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20) United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20 Choose the outfit for our main character. $15.00 (None)
Dance Along Fire Emblem: Three Houses Golden Deer (United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20) United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20 There's a pretty stupid unskippable cutscene in the run, that you can't skip. If this Incentive gets met, i'll try my best to "dance" along (for reference see in case the timestamp doesn't work, start art 1:03:10). $45.00 $150.00
Student Outfit Choice Fire Emblem: Three Houses Golden Deer (United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20) United Kingdom Speedrunner Gathering Summer '20 How should the characters be dressed during the run? $0.00 (None)

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty & Zephyyrr