Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Spaz1966 $275.00 (5) $100.00/$55.00
Chillnan $275.00 (9) $75.00/$30.56
Death2qwerty $275.00 (4) $100.00/$68.75
frostbite1981 $275.00 (4) $100.00/$68.75
FollowingSnail $275.00 (4) $200.00/$68.75
MrFrog $275.00 (2) $250.00/$137.50
Gabi and Greg $275.00 (3) $150.00/$91.67
tdawg $271.00 (2) $251.00/$135.50
Lomzorg $270.00 (5) $100.00/$54.00
GChris $265.00 (1) $265.00/$265.00
FluffySquirrel $265.00 (8) $50.00/$33.12
BananaPancake $263.00 (1) $263.00/$263.00
Carvious $262.00 (6) $121.00/$43.67
Shigan_ $261.00 (15) $100.00/$17.40
Anonymous $258.30 (2) $250.00/$129.15
Aubrey, Aaron (blackdeathdoom) $258.00 (2) $150.00/$129.00
Dom $257.10 (5) $77.77/$51.42
addyaddy11 $257.00 (4) $84.00/$64.25
Sans Undertale $253.68 (18) $50.00/$14.09
L1nks $251.00 (3) $101.00/$83.67
ymous, Anon (Anonymous) $250.01 (1) $250.01/$250.01
Hasten112 $250.00 (3) $100.00/$83.33
The Sound Defense $250.00 (5) $100.00/$50.00
JamieTheBnnuy $250.00 (2) $150.00/$125.00
henri_t $250.00 (4) $100.00/$62.50
mattLOLd $250.00 (4) $100.00/$62.50
Cappy $250.00 (1) $250.00/$250.00
Koorogi $250.00 (1) $250.00/$250.00
Virtia191 $250.00 (1) $250.00/$250.00
Earl Grey $250.00 (2) $200.00/$125.00
Nordic $246.50 (6) $93.65/$41.08
puddingofdoom $240.00 (8) $100.00/$30.00
Amboss $240.00 (8) $50.00/$30.00
Drunkenshoe $240.00 (5) $100.00/$48.00
Eesane $233.00 (4) $69.00/$58.25
Anonymous $231.00 (10) $50.00/$23.10
Len Tokone $230.00 (3) $150.00/$76.67
Atrias $229.00 (10) $64.00/$22.90
ymous, Anon (Anonymous) $227.87 (1) $227.87/$227.87
Levial $225.00 (4) $150.00/$56.25
suomynonA $225.00 (1) $225.00/$225.00
Henny022 $222.00 (5) $77.00/$44.40
TakeAChance $220.00 (9) $100.00/$24.44
Ashkarp $220.00 (6) $100.00/$36.67
Licht, Kyle (Kyle, distDad and distMom) $220.00 (2) $200.00/$110.00
Siqsaw $220.00 (2) $200.00/$110.00
Gelly $215.00 (7) $50.00/$30.71
Ischbinder $215.00 (10) $50.00/$21.50
Jackson, Richard (rickyjay) $213.00 (3) $100.00/$71.00
Marvin $211.00 (8) $75.00/$26.38

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