Game: Worms World Party Remastered
Bid: Name The Worms Total: $250.00

Our team's worms need names. There are 3 worm names needed so the top 3 names will be used. Maximum characters 16.
Name Run Description Amount Goal
John Follower Worms World Party Remastered $100.00 (None)
Jesus Christ Worms World Party Remastered $60.00 (None)
John Cleese Worms World Party Remastered $40.00 (None)
Irn Bru Worms World Party Remastered $35.00 (None)
Glitch Worms World Party Remastered $10.00 (None)
UKSG Worms World Party Remastered $5.00 (None)

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Running on Django with Python
Python code by UraniumAnchor, SMK, and jdeng
CSS by Cool Matty & Zephyyrr